Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

An Honorable Life Depends on Moral Standards


An Honorable Life Depends on Moral Standards

Spiritual awakening is managed by laws in nature. On every level of existence, there are basic facts that manage creation, development, decay, and death. Our consciousness or soul is not exception to these facts, and by knowing about them, we can achieve our complete development as a human being. Samael Aun Weor explains the fundamental laws and energies that we need to consciously harness in order to reach our full potential. These are the same energies that fuel the creation of any organism, from the smallest atom to the most expansive universe. The human being is called to be a radiant king or queen of nature, but to arrive at that level, one must know how.  Let’s glance over the nice saying of Mahatma Gandhi which teaches great lesson.  

“Seven deadly sins: Wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, science without humanity, knowledge without character, politics without principle, commerce without morality, worships without sacrifice.” Mahatma Gandhi.

Religious beliefs and moral standards are the basic principles in one’s individual and collective life. Human beings are born to live a life of honor and dignity. Besides physical needs, we have spiritual hunger based on religious values and moral codes. Human beings are born with natural tendencies towards humanity, honesty and ethical values.

Holy prophets came in different historical times to humanize and enlighten societies. Prophets struggled with iron determination to guide societies which were deep in violence and bloodshed.

The messengers of God emerged mostly when a pouring of carnage, bloodshed and cruelty was rampant in societies. There was a wide gap between body and soul. Physical desires dominated spiritual needs Men preyed upon men and trampled upon the rights of innocent individuals.

People are born, live and die; however, they play their roles different ways. Some rule the minds and hearts of people for centuries and their names are remembered eternally. Others are remembered by history as villains and monsters who were cruel and bloodthirsty.

One of the seven deadly sins mentioned beautifully by Mohandas Gandhi, is ‘Wealth without work.’  A rich society which slithers in laziness will face not just financial decline but also a moral one. It is beyond doubt that lethargy and idleness are the death of a nation.

‘Pleasure without conscience’ is mentioned secondly in the list of seven sins.’ Of course, those who search pleasure in the absence of conscience will ignore religious beliefs and moral values. They cross all limitations to taste pleasure at the cost of their honor and will stand for no virtue in their lives. The death of conscience is the dawn of crime and corruption.

‘Science without humanity’ is one of the deadly sins. Humanity is a fundamental need in social life. A scientist who has no humanity will play a destructive role. For instance, a thief will use the flashlight in a wrong way. The same is the case with a scientist who is empty of humanity. We know scientists who have used their science against human societies without feeling an ounce of guilt. Humanity is a must to link a scientist with social progress. It is very rightly said by Oscar Wilde, “A map of the world that does not include Utopia is not worth even glancing at, for it leaves out the one country at Humanity is always landing.”

‘Knowledge without character’ is also a deadly sin. It is supposed that knowledge makes a chemical change in one’s mind and soul. A knowledgeable person without moral characters will do more harm to the society, than good. He will harm people not only physically but also mentally.

‘Politics without principle’ will destroy a society. Politicians are the leaders of a nation and are expected to lead their societies and nation on the right path. However, there are many politicians who have no principles and are remembered in history as tyrants. They rule people as dictators and mass murderers. Moral principle is a vital characteristic in a politician.

In our country, the dictatorial regime of Taliban was a unique example. Afghan people suffered great cruelties and bloodshed under this un- principled government.

‘Commerce without morality’ it can be construed that the business person considers no moral principle and wants profit at all costs.

Any worship and pray which lack selflessness has a limited value. Mankind’s worship of God has significance when one prostrates in humility and sincerity. This is a great problem in our daily worship. We pray to God as an empty ritual .It is easy to observe our daily practices. On the one hand, we reiterate that we are salves of God and offer prayer, but on the other hand, we practice the opposite. That our society is deep in crime and corruption is a great dishonor to God and man.

The statements of the world’s leaders are great lessons for us in our individual and collective life. There lies a set of moral codes and religious values for to us to practice upon. Our lives are valuable when we respect moral principles in our daily practices. There is no doubt that one day we will abandon the world, but, how our names and deeds are remembered among the people and fellow- citizens, matters the most. So let us embrace religious values and moral principles with sincerity and honesty.

I would like to conclude my article by the valuable saying of Jacques Philippe: “There are two things to be aware of if the fight against evil inclinations is to have any chance of success. First, our efforts will never be sufficient on their own. Only the grace of Christ can win us the victory. Therefore, our chief weapons are prayer, patience, and hope. Second, one’s passion can only be cured by another – a misplaced love by a greater love, wrong behavior by right behavior that makes provisions for the desire underlying the wrongdoing, recognizes the conscious or unconscious needs that seek fulfillment and either offers them legitimate satisfaction or transfers them to something compatible with the person’s calling.”

Hujjatullah Zia is an emerging writer of Daily Outlook Afghanistan. He can be reached at zia_hujjat@yahoo.com.

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