A peaceful and violence-free world has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) which practices the “smile diplomacy”. China plays a constructive role at national and international level and seeks to build a peaceful society, with the cooperation of the world, so that all individuals could live a quiet and prosperous life.
Much has been said about the economic development of China but its peaceful message to the world was left out. With the strategy of reform and opening up, China is believed to sow the seeds of harmony and friendship with the world. China opened its door for all countries to have people-to-people exchange which will not only boost the trade level but also strengthen the spirit of brotherhood.
It is self-explanatory that war and violence inflicted heavy casualties and indescribable sufferings upon human societies. People’s rights and liberties were trampled upon. The colossal destruction and human toll outraged the public conscience. To “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind,” China, besides cultivating friendly relation, supported global peace and strengthened the bond of alliance between nations. For example, China, unlike many other countries, has never been involved in the conflicts going on in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and Afghanistan but she does feel the pain and anguish of those who are burning amidst such violence. Therefore, China urges the world for peace and prosperity and plays a conciliatory role in this respect.
China pursues a soft power to rule the hearts and minds of the public rather than imposing its will on them. With the opening-up strategy, this country has embraced individuals from around the world with a view to having better understanding of each other, exchanging social and cultural values, and strengthening strategic and economic bonds. We should not always view China from an economic perspective. For instance, the Built and Road Initiative (BRI) will not only connect the lands for trade but also the hearts for peace and harmony. As the room for tolerance and agreement has been narrowed at the current historical juncture, the world is in need of greater harmony and stronger bond – these are what China is in pursuit of.
In addition to pioneering “One Belt One Road”, China reinforces regional and global peace in some ways or the other. As a result, Conference on Interaction and Confidence Building Measures in Asia (CICA) is one of the platforms to enhance regional peace and stability. As an Afghan delegate, I attended the last years’ CICA forum hosted by Beijing and found it highly constructive for inspiring the spirit of peaceful coexistence and building a society void of violence and conflict. In this forum, the Member States affirmed their commitment to international principles, the UN Charter, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and pledged to promote regional peace and security which will necessarily lead to global stability. Hence, China takes active part insupporting peace and stability around the world.
China started upholding peace and harmony at national level. With the belief that racial discrimination and ethnic superiority are the root causes of conflicts, Chinese government advocated the individuals’ rights and liberties and considered them equal regardless of their racial and ethnic backgrounds. This is the motto of political figures in China: “It doesn’t matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.” This statement denies any discrimination on the basis of one’s caste, color, or creed. Subsequently, China extended the realm of its peaceful ideology and called the world to promote the principle of “no-discrimination” for maintaining peace and harmony.
We live in the global village and have to minimize the conflicts so that all nations could live a peaceful life. To live in a violence-free society, extending the “smile diplomacy” and soft power will be highly essential. On the contrary, exercising hard power and imposing one’s will on a nation will fuel the tension and threaten the global stability. The world needs to practice upon international principles and campaign against all issues that impede peace and prosperity.
To sum up, the Chinese government has taken an active part in social, cultural, and economic issues at national and international level and will continue to do so. To save all individuals through stirring the ship to the right route, all nations will have to play their role according to their abilities. Indeed, peace will prevail in this global village only if we accept one another, embrace one another with open arms, exercise tolerance, consider all individuals free and equal, promote the spirit of brotherhood, and develop people-to-people exchange. The win-win strategy, according to Chinese politicians, will be achieved through mutual cooperation and maintaining sustainable peace and stability.
Home » Opinion » Seth Berkley is CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
Seth Berkley is CEO of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
| Hujjatullah Zia