Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, September 20th, 2024

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Parents must Change their Attitudes towards Children

Dear Editor,
If you smile at a child, in response you definitely receive a smile back. In Afghanistan the attitude of people towards children is really harsh – especially to the working children. This attitude has negative psychological impact on them. They will grow the same kind of behavior.

In whatsoever condition we are, we must treat the children humanely. For very negligible mistakes, punishing the children is no less than the biggest sin.

In Afghanistan the number of child laborers is increasing by leaps and bounds taking the phase of a very critical problem. Though after Taliban the numbers of school going boys and girls have significantly increased every year, the problem of child labor has too increased side by side. This comes because of the vicious circle of poverty in Afghanistan.

The most annoying part of the whole story is the inhumane treatment of children. We must forget treating the children in harsh ways and always welcome them with open heart and love. 
Thank You!
Fida Daiyar
Dehbori, Kabul