Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Friday, February 7th, 2025

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Violence against Women Should be Stopped

Dear Editor,
Violence against women still happens to be discussed with world of justice to put a glance on the condition of women's life in Afghanistan, Where life for the women are just so cruel and restricted and, they are still under hard environment of cruelty. Worldwide, one in three women is the victim of abuse, physical, sexual, or psychological, because of her gender at some point in her lifetime.

I believe, where women are safe, where women are empowered to realize their aspirations and move there communities forward are healthier and more stable, civilized then the world where women are considered as a slave.

The violence can be stopped by planning with the required tools needed to act on the targeted, gender-based violence prevention and response activities in countries with significant levels of violence against women. There is no question, women can and will drive social and economic progress in the developing world when they are afforded the same protections and opportunities.

Because, violence doesn't recognize borders, it is necessary to fight in order to end violence against women.
Nargis Yari
Dasht-e-Barchi Kabul