Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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Chicago Summit and ill Demands of Pakistan

Dear Editor,
The begging policy of Pakistan since its inception is un-understandable. Every Pakistani politician and ruler follows and presents the same policy shamelessly without any hesitation whenever any international forum as the recent Chicago NATO Summit is organized. This policy seems to be a part of its constitution.

In this manner, it does not miss any such opportunity and collects funds skillfully just like a professional beggar begging in the streets in spite having enough to make his both ends meet. Be it the issues of Afghan refugees, blockade of NATO supply routs, its so-called contributions to the war on terror etc, it uses all these and other similar issues for its interest and as a source of income.

On the occasion of the recent Chicago NATO Summit attended by worldwide nations in order to discuss along with other issues, the ongoing transition process of Afghan security from US-led coalition troops to ANA and the financial matters of ANSF post 2014 when the international troops will quit the country, this self-interested nation has repeatedly proved that it is an international beggar.

It has tried to turn the agenda of the summit in its favor and get some money at this stage as well. I was really shocked while listening to the news aired on TV channels that Pakistani Presidential spokesman Farhatullah Babar proudly said President Asif Ali Zardari would demand one billion dollars in NATO's Chicago Summit arguing that Pakistan has lost much in the war on terror.

On the contrary, Pakistan has gained much in this war. However, it has now became a national tradition there that whenever any high ranking government official returns home from any international conference or foreign visit, the success or failure of his visit is judged from his hands such that, if he returns empty handed, his visit will be termed a failed one and vice versa. So, Pakistani nation will have to review such policy to maintain its national dignity and content on its natural and other resources.

Ahmad Shoaib,